Scott Harrison Real Estate in the East Bay 510-388-4536  Community Information for Alameda County, View Photos and Information about Communities, Neighborhoods including Contra Costa County Ca.

 Buyer Information and Community Information for in-depth housing Resource on Buying or Selling Properties in the East Bay Area of Northern California.  

​Scott's Blog has up to date tax saving and educational articles, Newest Tennant and Land lord regulations,  Can Foreign Nationals purchase Real Estate in California without a social security number?  Which cities have rent control and what are the rules, California Proposition 19 Transfer of Primary residence Tax Basis ... and much more information in The Blog. What is a Buyer broker agreement?

             2025 East Bay Real Estate Market Video and Market Data

​Buyer Information and Community Information for in-depth housing Resource on Buying or Selling Properties in the East Bay Area of Northern California.  

You can find First Time Home Buyer Programs also include: down payment 
assistance, grant programs and the Alameda County MCC program.

Buyers Closing Costs and City Transfer Taxes
Read through helpful Tax saving Buyer and Seller Tips 

I created a web site different from any other agents or major real estate sites.  I used 30 years of first hand  knowledge, working in the field and research to put together this site. 
Please do to contact me to see if my experience would make us working together a good fit.  Do not let your next agent be selected by random chance of a form you filled in. 

The site is broken up into groups of pages on the following topics:
1. What to do if your thinking about selling.  
Buying your first home and what you need to know to get started.
3. Location, Location, Locations across the East Bay. Community and even Neighborhood photos and information about most of Alameda County and Contra Costa County cities.  Some home builders and model facts.
4. Buying, Owning and Managing rental property, taxes, regulations, rights and rules.
5. Knowledge relating to real estate; Historical things, current trends, tax loop holes, government and local assistance programs. 
6. The skills I have learned to be a professional real estate agent and as property owner involve so many fields.   After viewing a home I know the area where buyers will get turned off when they see your home. I also know repairs, staging, maintaining needed to create the optimal impression when your home is on the market. I help you to get the work done with the lease amount of inconveniences but get the most return for what you spend. Having been a Land lord and an agent for over 30 years and attending over 400 home inspections and understand the process of almost all the issues that have come up on each inspection because I have done so much of the repairs for myself.  
Internet marketing, e mail blasts, web site lay out and photography and working the description of your home to present it in its best light with out exaggerating ( which turns folks off when promise more than what is there).
Home evaluations; I have the on line tools and the resource of 30 years first hand experience not to mention the top real-estate franchise with all their resources to draw from. It is also my job to include the correct paperwork to not only be compliant with the law and mitigate as much for my client to limit possible liability by including extra paperwork designed to disclose, explain forms and guide to get them filled out accurately. 

I have experience with the following; Probate sales, independent administration, court confirmed sales, Single Family Sales, Duplexes, Triplexes, Fourplexes, Land sales, Contract of Sale, Seller Cary the loan sales, 1031 tax differed exchanges, non recourse loans, FHA loans, VA Loans, Adjustable Loans, Fixed Rate Loans, Town Homes Sales and Purchases, Condominium Purchase and Sales, Senior Mobile homes  and Mobile homes in Family parks. Commercial sales. Conservatorship sales, Bank owned sales, Short Sales, Sales while in Bankruptcy, Pre Foreclosure sales. Sales in every city in Alameda county except Sunol and Emeryville. 

Alameda County & Contra Costa County Free Evaluation 
Find what your real estate is worth?

Education Center For Renters and Landlords  
Rental Info Page            Bay Cities With Rent Control          
Real Estate Laws  affecting Buyers, Sellers,
 Agents, Land Lords and Renters.  Stay informed, 
Knowledgeable and in compliant.

What is different about buying a Condominium, from purchase of a Town home?
Modular homes and Mobile homes benefits and draw backs Park locations photos of amenities. 

See Video from Board of Realtors on
First steps to buying a Home
Why use a realtor?
All about the Appraisal Process 

Who is Scott Harrison? 
Review his real estate biography  If you choose to
 work with Scott see what should you expect here. 

Scott G. Harrison of Sunshine Realty
Licensed Since 1987 DRE#00966212
Professional Real Estate Agent  
Phone or Text me at 510-388-4536  

Interview Agent Tough Questions
Website for Buyers Step By Step

Scott Harrison Profile on LinkedIn                                                  Scott's Hobby is Ballroom Dancing

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   List of Scott     Seller tips What to do County Tax Brakes,  Marketing Plan,  Buyers and Sellers Normal Closing CostsWhich Cities Have Transfer Taxes    Real Estate Agent Scott Harrison San Leandro and Hayward First Time Buyer ProgramsAlameda County Bay Area Realtor,, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer,
  Site Map,     Contact me
Scott Harrison 
Real Estate Agent
BRE # 0096212

156 Santa Teresa Mobile home in senior park San Leandro 2 bed 2 bath in top condition new windows  $189,000  For Sale

1085 Tasman # 182 MObile home Sunnyvale 2 bed 1 bath  Casa De Amigos All age park monthly $1503.00 only $185,000 For Sale

Sold  Sale  4 br 2.5 bath 2 gar Pittsburg home 644 Rockspray Cir built 2003 Gate community $610,000

Off Market Oakland single family home for sale above 580 at highway 13 built in 1981 over 1700 sf living space  3 br 2 bath 2 garage $950,000

16006 E 14 San Leandro Condo 1 bedroom only $349,000 Sold

850 Serra Dr AS Is fixer San Leandro $705,000  Sold

​501 H st Union City Duplex $895,000

Check with me for details 
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